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Two-Factor Authentication

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) for cPanel Users

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) provides a more secure access to your cPanel account. With 2FA an improved security measure that requires two forms of identification is required: your password and a generated security code. With 2FA enabled, an application on your smartphone will provide you with a code that you must enter with your password to log in.
Without your smartphone, you cannot log in.

Server 2-Factor Authentication - WHM

To enable 2FA on the server with WHM, carry out the following:

  1. Log in to the cPanel WHM.
  2. Click on Two-Factor Authentication on the left hand bar.
  3. Click the Tab on "The Two-Factor Authentication Security Policy is Disabled" select button to enable it.
  4. Click on "Manage My Account" tab.
  5. Click on "Setup Two Factor Configuration" button.
  6. Your will need an authenticator app installed on your phone to continue. cPanel supports the following:
    1. Google Authenticator - for Android, iOS, BlackBerry OS, and Windows Phone
    2. Duo Mobile - for Android and iOS
    3. Microsoft Authenticator - for Android, iOS, and Windows Phone
  7. You can connect any of this Authenticator app in one of two ways:
    1. Open the Authenticator app on your phone: Open the scanner to scan the QR code on your WHM page, or
    2. Enter the displayed Account name and it's key as an addition to the Authenticators Phone
  8. Click on the "Configure Two-Factor Authentication" button.
  9. That's all. Each time you lo unto your server's WHM henceforth an authentication code will be required from the Authenticator app on your phone before you can succesfully login.

Server 2-Factor Authentication - cPanel

  1. Log in to the cPanel control panel.
  2. Click on  Two-Factor Authentication on the list of tools under Security.
  3. Click the "Setup Two-Factor Authentication" button.
  4. Your will need an authenticator app installed on your phone to continue. cPanel supports the following:
    1. Google Authenticator - for Android, iOS, BlackBerry OS, and Windows Phone
    2. Duo Mobile - for Android and iOS
    3. Microsoft Authenticator - for Android, iOS, and Windows Phone
  5. You can connect any of this Authenticator app in one of two ways:
    1. Open the Authenticator app on your phone: Open the scanner by clicking + tab to scan the QR code on your WHM page, or
    2. Enter the displayed Account name and it's key as an addition to the Authenticators on the Phone
  6. Click on the "Configure Two-Factor Authentication" button.
  7. That's all. Each time you lo unto your account's cPanel control panel henceforth an authentication code will be required from the Authenticator app on your phone before you can succesfully login.


Server 2-Factor Authentication - Webmail

  1. Log in to the webmail.
  2. Click on the Webmail Home link on the left hand bar.
  3. Scroll down and under Edit Your Settings category, click on  Two-Factor Authentication.
  4. Click the "Set Up Two-Factor Authentication" button.
  5. Your will need an authenticator app installed on your phone to continue. cPanel supports the following:
    1. Google Authenticator - for Android, iOS, BlackBerry OS, and Windows Phone
    2. Duo Mobile - for Android and iOS
    3. Microsoft Authenticator - for Android, iOS, and Windows Phone
  6. You can connect any of this Authenticator app in one of two ways:
    1. Open the Authenticator app on your phone: Open the scanner by clicking + tab to scan the QR code on your WHM page, or
    2. Enter the displayed Account name and it's key as an addition to the Authenticators on the Phone
  7. Click on the "Configure Two-Factor Authentication" button.
  8. That's all. Each time you lo unto your email account through webmail henceforth an authentication code will be required from the Authenticator app on your phone before you can succesfully login.


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